Here it is the end of January, and I have written nary a thing about New Year’s Resolutions. I know you’ve been waiting for me to give you my list, right? Here it goes:
Visit Key Largo, Florida…CHECK!

Drive US-1, the overseas highway, from Key Largo to Key West…CHECK!

Watch hubby feed tarpon while fending off aggressive pelicans…CHECK!

Tour Earnest Hemmingway’s house in Key West…CHECK!

See a manatee in the wild…CHECK!

Eat chocolate covered key lime pie on a stick…CHECK!

Watch a sunset from Mallory Square…CHECK!

There! I got my list checked off in just about 24 hours! Who said that New Year’s resolutions had to span the entire year?
Silly me, I know. The truth is I didn’t make any New Year’s Resolutions for 2022. Instead, I resolved last year to do better every day, and I fully intend to continue in last year’s resolutions.
Now, on to other things!