2017 Christmas Card

Hi! I’m Nancy, a child of God, a homemaker, a wife to my best friend, and a mom to three incredible young people and a daughter-in-law as of May 2023, as well as an “adopted” daughter, her husband, and their little girl. My favorite thing to do is paint with oils from pictures I’ve taken of my family and our travels. I crave a daily cup of “good” coffee from my Miele coffeemaker, a Mississippi roll from Little Tokyo, Mediterranean food, and mochi of any flavor (oh, and Papasitas).

In case we haven’t met before, I’m the short one in the family picture.

Why Write this Blog?

After many months of relative isolation due to the COVID-19 pandemic, I’ve needed a way to connect with PEOPLE outside the house!  I hope the blog entertains you with stories about uniquely Southern experiences, how my husband and I built our dream house using Pinterest, about decorating and being hospitable in the easiest possible ways, and about my hobbies of travel, photography, and oil painting. I also hope to inspire you to see God’s goodness through even the most difficult times in our lives.

I pray you’ll be blessed by an occasional devotion to Jesus Christ, and that you’ll be open to hearing about my spiritual mile markers along my Christian journey. I promised my children that one day I would write down all the events in my life that were pivotal in determining my life’s direction.  This blog seems a perfect place to document those moments.  However unreal they appear to be to you, I’m going to be perfectly honest and give the facts as they happened to me.  I don’t claim to be anyone special, and I often wonder at how interested God has been in my insignificant life.  He must not be finished with me yet, because I don’t feel like I’ve done enough to warrant so much attention from the Almighty.

What Do I Believe?

I was born into the United Pentecostal Church International and have attended a UPCI church my entire life.  I’ve been aptly tagged with the following monikers: Pentecostal, Apostolic, Oneness, and Holy Roller (though I’ve not done that to date).  A lot of people look at me suspiciously and think I’m part of a cult.  I’m actually part of the thing that got started more than 2,000 years ago on the Day of Pentecost in Jerusalem, 50 days after Jesus died and rose from the grave!

Some of you may think it strange, but this is what I believe:

  • God is one. (Deuteronomy 6:4)
  • God’s Word is true, and it’s recorded in the Bible.  He still speaks to us today through His Word, through spiritual authority (our pastors and preachers), and at times directly to us.
  • God loves everybody.  We are made in His image.  It’s not His will that anyone should die without knowing Him.
  • God saves.  He came Himself for us by taking on the form of flesh (Jesus Christ) and offering Himself as the ultimate blood sacrifice for our sins.  (Isaiah 9:6 and Acts 2:38)
  • We can know that He has saved a person because He gives us evidence. (Acts 2)  When I was five years old, I knew He filled me with His spirit because I spoke in tongues as I poured out my heart to Him in thanksgiving for His forgiveness.  It is a “well of living water” (John 7:38 and Jeremiah 17:13) that I’ve experienced many, many times since then!
  • I’m saved by His grace and not by my works.
  • My works, however, give evidence of my faith to others.
  • When He saved me, I started a new life.  I may have taken some detours through my teen years, but He was faithful to keep me and bring me back to Him.
  • As a new creature in Christ, I live a separated life, one that is set apart for Him.  I live the best life, and I pray that you would want to live an overcoming life as well!

Obviously, there is so much more I could write about what I believe.  I could go on and on, but I don’t want to overwhelm you.  If ever you want me to talk about it more, please send me a note.  I’m happy to share!