The Senior Table

It’s crunch time with two weeks to go until Prominent Night!  Our church is hosting the annual “black tie” affair to honor all 9 of its high school graduates, and the parents are scurrying around town, planning…
A Clean Slate

A Clean Slate

I’ve been penciling in “PAINT!” on my daily calendar for some time now… and erasing it, postponing the activity for another day.  It’s become almost an obsession: I need to find time to paint.  I’m constantly seeking inspiration, and I’m…

You Know My Name!

“Hello, Cynthia!” “You know my name!” my mail-lady exclaimed as I cheerfully waved to her from the sidewalk where I was walking my dog.  Her eyes were wide open, and her jaw hung unhinged. I smiled and…
Plant Obsession

Plant Obsession

On Wednesday, I got home from taking a friend to the hospital for a procedure to find 450 native plants sitting on my porch.  My eldest son, Nate, had placed an order for his native plant company,…