I know you can’t believe everything you see on the Internet or hear on the radio, but I heard a story a few years ago that really made an impression on me. I think it was on KLOVE.  

A DJ told the story of a man who’d gone to the doctor and received bad news: he had cancer and was not expected to live long.  Instead of sliding into depression, he gathered up the funniest movies he could find and proceeded to binge watch.  A few weeks later, he went to a follow-up appointment, and the doctor could not understand where the cancer had gone.

Scenes from a recent happy family gathering…

Last night as hubby and I got ready for bed, I made a silly comment to him about his recent weight loss, which is mostly due to the fact that I’m preparing two meals per week without meat.  (I think he’s also trying to not eat a snack late in the evening.)  Anyway, whatever I said made him guffaw.  He was still trying to stifle his giggles as we snuggled down to go to sleep.

This morning, I asked how his workout went for him; I was concerned because he’d hurt his back a few days ago, and he’d been babying it.  He admitted that his workout was lousy in the beginning because he was taking it easy.  It depressed him, and he thought about cutting the workout short and coming back inside.  Then suddenly, he remembered what had tickled him last night and began to laugh uncontrollably again.  That’s when he realized that he felt better and could continue his workout at a more satisfactory pace.

He was telling me this as our sleepy daughter was reaching for the coffee pot.  She’s been memorizing Proverbs this year for Bible Quizzing.  I looked at her and said, “So Solomon’s wisdom still works today!”  

The wisest man who ever lived said, “A merry heart doeth good like a medicine….” (Proverbs 15:33, KJV)

I hope you find joy to overcome life’s difficulties today!

And if you need a happy baby to make you smile, here’s my great niece Juliette!