There’s a blizzard going on outside my window today, and I’m so thankful for a warm home and a gas fireplace.  It’s rare for Mississippi to see so much snow and ice!

It’s been about six weeks since I wrote my list of New Year’s Resolutions.  I think it’s time for a checkup to see how I’m doing.  I catergorized my resolutions under body, mind, and soul to make sure I was covering all the bases.


I’ve still got those pesky COVID-19 additional pounds, but I’m feeling healthier and fitter now that hubby is acting as my trainer and planning all my runs on iFit.  It’s awesome to have a home gym (a COVID project detailed in another post); this morning I only had to brave the cold garage to get to my workout.  Of course, our heater doesn’t work in the room, but hubby did his run before me and got the temperature and humidity pretty high with just his body heat!  I alternate running with biking on the recumbent bike, and I subscribe to HasFit for additional aerobic exercises and strength training, a program I highly recommend!


With all the cold weather, I confess that I’ve watched way more YouTube than normal.  My favorite artists to watch are Malcolm Dewey and Sam Earp.  I’ve also been watching Andrew Tisch, but I don’t think I’ll ever become that accomplished an artist.  He’s amazing.


My family has started going back to church on Sunday mornings, but we still watch Wednesday night services online.  I’ve also enjoyed watching the services at New Life Birmingham (Pastor Barry Sutton).  He also teaches a Bible study on Tuesday nights that is excellent!

At Christmas, my sister squealed over a couple of books she’d requested from my mom.  I recognized the covers of the books and then realized that I’d downloaded them on my Kindle a while back without reading them: Sitting at the Feet of Rabbi Jesus and Walking in the Dust of Rabbi Jesus, both by Lois Tverberg.  I’m going to order paper copies of the books and put them on my nightstand to read a little each night.  I’ve been reading one of them on my Kindle app, but they give me so much to think about that I feel I need to read them slowly so I can savor each tasty morsel.

I’ve also begun reading the 40 Day Sugar Fast by Wendy Speake.  It’s so much more than a sugar fast!  I highly recommend it as a daily devotional for anyone who wants to draw closer to the Lord.

One more thing that my family and I have done this year that I can recommend: we’ve watched The Chosen, which is a mini-series on the life of Jesus, directed by Dallas Jenkins.  A good friend suggested it to me a few months ago, and it’s been a blessing to watch it and to discuss it with friends and family.  We look forward to the day the second season is released!

How about you?  Have you fallen off the wagon of your New Year’s Resolutions?  If you’ve not even thought about them since you wrote them down, maybe it’s time for a checkup!  Don’t forget that it’s never too late to resolve to do better for your body, mind, and soul!


  1. Daniel Venarske

    I love the post! You are already an accomplished artist and becoming more amazing with each passing day! Love, Dino

  2. Tony

    Good status check. Thanks.

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