We lost a legend last week when our senior pastor, lovingly referred to as “Bishop Craft,” passed away.  He was two days shy of his 91st birthday.

Everyone adored Bishop!

I met Bishop for the first time when hubby and I came to Mississippi for his residency program interview at University of Mississippi Medical Center.  I’m sure many of you know about Match Day when all U.S. medical students find out the residency program with which they’ve been matched after a semester of interviews.  

In the months before Match Day, our then pastor in Houston, Rev. Jerome Bourn, was working on trimming out Bishop’s office in First Pentecostal Church’s new church building, and Bishop asked him, “Whatever happened to that young couple who interviewed here a while back?”  

Pastor Bourn said, “Oh, they’ll be coming here.”

Bishop asked, “So they found out already?”

Pastor Bourn smiled, shook his head, and said, “No, not yet.”

When we moved to Mississippi in 1999, Bishop took us under his wing, as he’s done so many other young couples, and made us feel like we were his most favorite people in the world. His door was always open at church and at his home, and he answered his phone whenever we called.

He dedicated each of my boys to the Lord. He put hubby in charge of our Foreign Missions department (truly Bishop’s heartbeat), and hubby organized a fundraiser to build a Bible College in Guatemala in Bishop’s name. They went together with a group from our church in 2008 to dedicate it.

Here Bishop preaches in Guatemala with Missionary Brad Thompson interpreting.

He was available for every occasion that was important to us–the Fourth of July gathering we hosted, a dove hunt we hosted, 40th surprise birthday parties, graduation parties,….

He certainly was accessible to all the saints in his congregation.
He knew how to dress well at any event!
He made hubby’s 40th a priority.
Here he explains life to us at my oldest son’s graduation party. We were smart enough to stop everything and listen.

He chastised me a few times in the 24 years that I knew him.  Several times, he told me to slow down when I was eating a meal with him (his meals could last three hours), and I always reminded him that a mom of three has to eat in a hurry.  Another time was on my 36th birthday when I confessed to him that I was struggling with the idea of getting older.  He promptly advised me, “Get over it!”  So I did.

Here he celebrates his wife’s grandson’s birthday in his gorgeous backyard.

I will always boast that I had the great honor of moving him into his most recent home, giving him a hard time about such an old man moving into a young family’s house, complete with upstairs study areas, a fabulous spa-like backyard, pool, hot tub, cabana, and pond!  He responded, “There’s land for sale across the road. Buy it and build your own dream house!”  So we did buy the land, though we built our dream house thirty minutes north of him.

My daughter proudly poses with Bishop and Sister Craft.

Because our new land purchase was in such close proximity to Bishop and his sweet wife, we had the joy of celebrating grandchildren’s birthdays with him and popping in to each other’s abodes for events or just because.  We were so blessed!

He was a father figure to our dear friend, and he gave a memorable speech at her 60th birthday party.

We could talk about anything and everything with Bishop.  He represented our Heavenly Father so well to each and every one of us.  He signed his name, “T.L.C.” (for Thomas Lynn Craft) and meant it.

After the party, he hung around to get pictures with some of his favorite people.

This week, the church is aflurry with activity as we prepare to receive hundreds, if not thousands, of guests who will come from around the world to honor the precious man who officially pastored me and my family from 1999 until he handed off the responsibility to Rev. Greg Frazier in 2014. He unofficially pastored a bit after that as well!  

He was a driving force in the United Pentecostal Church International, and the spirit of his life and love for people will continue to affect all the ministers, missionaries, and regular folk like me that he touched with his unique way of calling us to Christian discipleship. He will be missed for a very, very long time.


  1. Lisa Sultemeier

    This is such a beautifully written tribute. Thank you for sharing your heart for TLC and highlighting his heart for the fortunate Jackson FPC family. Missing you!

  2. Melody Cothran

    Bro Craft will truly be missed. He was such a sweet man of God.
    We attended the wake. Everything was absolutely perfect tonight.
    We will definitely keep you all in our prayers.
    May God give you all comfort in the days to come.

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