On Memorial Day weekend, we celebrated Eli, my middle child, a.k.a. “Lego Man.” The party was a great success and included an assortment of guests from out-of-town and in-town, a fabulous cake by Kelley Young, a beautiful flower arrangement by my mom, and an incredible fajita meal by my sister and brother-in-law, with home-cooked tortillas by my nephew Ethan and his wife Lauren).

The weather was perfect this year. Mississippi always gets its first heat wave of the summer season on Memorial Day weekend, but this year, our highs were in the 70s with low humidity and a lovely constant breeze! Hallelujah!

Ordinarily, I enjoy having my house decorated for a big party about a week in advance, but I gave large swathes of it to Eli to provide Lego® models. He insisted on using only original designs, some of which were not created until the day before the party. I was a little anxious, but Eli exhibited no sweat at all.

In this post-COVID summer, it was a joy to be able to fellowship with our loved ones. Eli’s graduation came at the right time to restore our flagging spirits!
Thank you for hosting this. It was a great gathering of friends and family to celebrate the lego man.