“Coming Down the Hill”–is that what it’s called?
We’re celebrating a milestone birthday for hubby today. The question is, how to do it properly?
Ten years ago, I was able to surprise him although he really put up a fight about going to my sister’s for dinner. He wasn’t feeling great, and maybe he was a little depressed about the “Over the Hill” part? I don’t know. Somehow, I got him there and he was actually surprised by the family and friends who’d made a special point of being there to welcome him.

This year,
I asked if I could throw him a party, and he said no.
I asked if we could travel somewhere spectacular, and he said no.
I asked if we could buy that new exercise bike he’s been talking about for a while now, and he said, “eeehhhh, no.”
What to do? I mean, this man is something special, and he deserves some attention!
The kids and I put our heads together. They bought something special for him (not sure if he will have opened it by the time he reads this post, so mum’s the word!).
Then I did what I always do to mark a special occasion: I made a digital scrapbook with the theme “50 things we love about you.”

Honestly, if that scrapbook was just for me to realize how special my man is to me and to our children, it was worth every moment of sorting pictures and begging for each kid’s 10 things! I wish I could share every page with you!
It is that sweet!

For every other birthday, we’ve written a note to our precious head-of-the-household in a journal. It’s fun to go back and read the notes, but now that all the kids are grown, their thoughts and words have extra meaning.

I included pictures of them with their dad throughout their lives, and we sat around on VDay and oohed and aahed over those memories. Truly, we’ve been blessed!

This weekend, I hope you’ll take a few moments to look through some old pictures of your loved ones and appreciate the fact that we are a blessed people here in the good ole U. S. of A.
I’m thankful for each one of you who take a few moments out of your day to read my little blog!