I admit it: I go a little crazy in the Fall. I can’t get enough pumpkins on the porch to satisfy me, and there are way too many little pumpkins scattered throughout the house. I even started setting out pumpkins the middle of August! My excuse was that I was stuck by the computer that week to be tech support for our school’s online auction. It didn’t take me long to realize the entire house needed a deep clean and a change of decor. My sister popped in mid-week and said incredulously, “Pumpkins already?” Then she went home and did the same thing. I guess you could call me an “influencer” for once. I promise it happens in no other scenario.

Today was a beautiful day, and I was so frustrated with my blog. No, I was frustrated with my blog’s host. By lunchtime, I needed to verify the reported 78 degree temperature and feel bright sunshine on my face, and I needed to experience all that while picking out fresh pumpkins for the porch. When I announced my intention of escaping the house and my frustrations, my 16-year-old daughter happily slapped shut her Chromebook and stacked up her quizzes and tests for the day. Her own gloomy disposition changed in a heartbeat, and she got ready to go in record time!

There are many little farmer’s markets around town, and Liz and I reminisced about the other garden centers we’ve visited at pumpkin picking time on our way to one on Old Canton Road near Lake Harbor that never lets us down. We were not disappointed this year either. We came back with nothing orange but all the other beautiful pumpkin colors of the rainbow–greens, pinks, and white! The orange ones came from Costco because I just couldn’t resist the bargain price. I still have no idea what color the huge mums will be when they bloom; they also were a Costco bargain at $10 each.

You know, I believe the whole family has caught my Fall fever. Hubby and I were on a walk a few evenings ago, and I commented as we came within view of the front porch that my orange pumpkins from Costco were looking pretty lonely up there. He actually agreed though he confessed he wished he could be happy with only $12 spent on my Fall porch pumpkin patch. I probably won’t tell him how much I spent today. I just hope these fine specimens will last until late November, or I may have to go buy a whole new batch for Thanksgiving!
P.S. Happy birthday, Mom!