A few weeks ago, hubby asked me to “do something” for a friend who would soon be starting a new job. The friend had confessed to feeling some amount of trepidation, and he wanted to reassure her of our family’s support. The position is in an office with a lot of staff members, so I was afraid that a fruit bouquet wouldn’t go far enough and that flowers might get lost in the hustle and bustle. Instead, I ordered four boxes of individually packaged snacks from Sam’s Club (Skinny Popcorn®, Chex Mix®, Oreos®, and Goldfish®), picked up a $5 toy bin from Walmart, and made a cute felt pennant to jolly it up a bit.
I priced some cute garlands on Amazon and etsy, but then I remembered a stack of felt tucked away in my homeschool supplies that I must have purchased for a project years ago. I’m so glad I saved it!

Armed with scissors, twine, and a hot glue gun, I knocked out this little project in no time at all and didn’t spent a dime (on the garland).

I attached the garland with tiny binder clips covered in ribbon, filled the toy bin by layering in the snacks, added a few pieces of brightly colored tissue paper, and stuck the cardboard roll from some wrapping paper in the center, cutting two slits on opposites sides to hold up a “Congratulations!” card.

Wow! What a statement that huge tote of goodies made when I entered our friend’s office! It was a simple joy to brighten a very snowy (gasp! In central Mississippi?) first day at work.