Just like December “blew in,” Chef Justin Ward, in a whirlwind of energy, smiles, and laughter appeared at my house last Saturday for his third time in about a year. He’s a native Texan, who found his heart and soul in Europe following his graduation from Jackson College of Ministries.

This time, when he announced that he’d be in the states and available for cooking classes, his schedule filled up at exponential speed. I hope I’m recalling this right: he arrived on October 26 and has had a gig every day except for one when a church needed to cancel the engagement (they fulfilled their financial obligation to him anyway).

Since posting pictures of our latest class on FB, I’ve had a number of folks reach out to me for more information. If you’re interested in booking him for a small or large group meal or cooking class, go to www.chefjustinward.com and sign up for his newsletter. You may also want to leave him a note so that he can put you on his list for next time.

Macarons are such delicate little cookies and require quite a few steps to create them. We had nine participants and each of us went home with 45 macarons! It’s the perfect class for December. I’ve distributed mine and hubby’s cookies liberally this week and with good cheer! Everyone loves these pretty little sweets!

Just like the holiday season, Justin rushed in on a cool breeze Saturday morning, hung around for a bout of good fellowship that evening, and disappeared from sight the next morning as rushed on to Ruston, LA, for his next gig: a church Christmas banquet!

I hope that you have a few moments during the rush of the holidays to pause and reflect on the reason for the season. May you be blessed!