Our family has been involved in the UPCI’s Bible Quizzing program since 2009. All three kids have participated, memorizing and quoting and quizzing on thousands of verses through their elementary, middle, and high school years.

This year, our baby girl, who was still young enough to participate, decided to quiz even though she was attending community college as a full-time student.

It was a big year for her in Bible Quizzing. She memorized 517 verses of Ephesians, Colossians, Philemon, I Timothy, Titus, and 2 Timothy. Brother Paul is a challenge to memorize!

At the beginning of June, her team, which included two quizzers who’d never quizzed at the experienced level, qualified for the North American Bible Quiz Tournament. That event was in St. Charles, MO, at the end of July. She quoted to me at least half of the material almost every single day all summer long.

Quizzers who are finished with quizzing due to age are allowed to give a short speech on Monday night of NABQT. Baby girl agonized over her three-minute speech for months.

She did a great job testifying about how Bible Quizzing has done more than given her a family of friends: it has taught her to love the Word of God; it has been a defense against the seductive lure of the culture; and it has brought peace to her mind during troubling times. Bible Quizzing accomplished its goal in her life!

After the tournament, we stayed in St. Louis for North American Youth Congress. The biennial event was our fourth one to attend. More than 37,000 Apostolic young people from all over the world and their chaperones gathered for three days of worship, preaching and teaching, and community service. It was exhausting and exhilarating!

We drove home on a Saturday, washed clothes, and got ready for our next trip–a family vacay to San Francisco with the unmarried son who was just finishing up a busy summer of difficult classes. More on that trip next time!