Have you ever heard something silly that tickled you pink? I mean, it settled so deeply in your giggle box that you struggle to not think about it and burst out laughing again? Well, sometimes we need something silly to help us through the most difficult days, and my husband provides me a dose of that brand of medicine on occasion. Last night was one of those occasions.
It had been a tough day. I’d gotten myself into too many volunteer activities. “Too many,” as in, they all hit a peak in the same weekend, and they won’t be counted as too many after the peak. Anyway, I was in a funk when my sweetheart got home from work. The funk felt a lot like a fog as I attempted to sort through all the mess in my mind and deal with the tough-as-rubber pot roast in the crockpot (that failed to come on when I set it at 9:30 a.m.).
Now, most of our friends and family realize that we don’t do Facebook or much of any other social media besides this blog and my instagram. Hubby has a FB account and a couple of friends so that he can keep up with the incredible pictures my mom and sister post when they travel to exotic lands without us. I’ve used FB a little more often since COVID-19 because First Pentecostal Church of Jackson uses FB. I’ve also started looking for blog inspirations, and I recently discovered Miss M-seed. I get her daily emails, and sometimes I read them; sometimes I don’t. Yesterday, her email started with a picture of wooden Holland shoes nailed to her wall. I glanced at the creative display briefly, determined it wasn’t for me and my house, hit delete, and moved on with my very busy stuck-to-the-computer day. Because I’m on her email list, her posts also appear on my hubby’s FB feed. The first time the man, who doggedly resists friend requests, saw it, he commented aloud in a tone of wonder, “how did that happen?”
Now he jokes that he has three friends on FB: my mom, my sister, and Miss M-seed.
Last night, I was getting ready for bed, and I heard him call out from the living room, where he must have been perusing social media one last time before turning out the lights and coming to bed. He said, “Honey, may I save some of my old tennis shoes? I have this great idea!” He snickered and then admitted, “It may involve staples and a wall.” My mind instantly flashed to the image of the post I’d received via email that day, and I knew he was looking at his FB. Then he said, “I could start a blog. Call it Mr. Mayonnaise!”

I promise I mean no offense to the original blogger. She is simply amazing, but after we laughed, giggled, and guffawed awhile, we both wondered if it’s really challenging to be such an accomplished blogger and have to come up with new content all the time. In any case, when he finally made it to bed to read the Bible to me, I really struggled to contain the giggles through the seriousness of Amos’s prophecies. Even now, I taste that medicine, and my day is lighter.
A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones. (Proverbs 17:22 KJV)
All the days of the afflicted are evil: but he that is of a merry heart hath a continual feast.(Proverbs 15:15 KJV)
Lord, thank you for the gift of laughter. I pray that I can learn to not take myself and my “work” so seriously that it affects my positive outlook on life. In the worst of times, please remind me of silly moments like this one to help me see that life is a series of seasons, and that even the hardest ones will soon pass. I want to keep my eyes trained on You! In Jesus’ name, Amen!