I’ve always resolved to never make ‘em, ‘cuz I just feel disappointed when I break ‘em.
But this year, things have got to change. After a year of waiting for a vaccine, waiting for good news, and waiting for things to happen, I’m ready to take action. My action always starts with a plan, and my plans always start with a list. (Sigh.) I guess we’ll call it a “New Year’s Resolution” list.

For my spirit:
1. Be grateful, even when life seems to drag or important events get cancelled or other seemingly negative situations arise. Believe that God has a reason, and it’s for my good!
2. Be proactive and look for ways to be a blessing to someone in need. Giving has a way of keeping my perspective accurate and joyful.
3. Pray more, pray better. Be willing to really fight for God’s purpose to be fulfilled in my life and the life of family and friends.
4. Focus on what’s important daily so that I don’t get trapped by “every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us” (Hebrews 12:1, KJV).

For my mind:
1. Play games with my kids! I’m in my late 40s, and I’m already experiencing memory loss. Games are supposed to help keep the mind young.
2. Take some classes to improve my painting, photography, and gardening skills. I want to get better at all of it!
3. Stay in the moment. My mind is constantly wandering and solving problems unrelated to the subject at hand while my family tries to relay information to me that is important to them.
4. Read some thought-provoking articles or books that challenge me. (I’m sure my oldest will gratify this request.)

For my body:
1. Walk away from the sugar. Enough said.
2. Walk the dog daily! She needs it as much as I do.
3. Maintain 4-5 days of exercise in the home gym and maybe up it to 6 days on occasion.
4. Re-vamp the family menu with simpler ingredients. This will be easier to do when both boys are away at college.
Ok. It’s your turn. I feel much better when I’m not alone, so get to it! Happy New Year!

Happy New Year. Cool photo from Eli.