Are you as entranced as I am by the changing of the colors of the leaves and the clicking and rustling sound they make as they fall to the ground? November in Mississippi is my favorite month of the year. The weather has settled down somewhat (although we’ve had to go into the Greek alphabet to name hurricanes this year), and the weekends are almost always perfect for taking pictures! Pictures that are set in the fall are perfect for those very popular holiday greeting cards….

For several years, hubby and I led an adult Sunday School class geared toward young families, and we were forever searching for ways to connect people and build the class with social events for the entire the family as well as a few each year for couples only. Our easiest event occurred in November each year. We named it “Potluck & Pictures.”
Fortunately for all of us, our family had purchased a farm near our church to lure the grandparents from Texas to us (it worked), and it was the ideal spot for such an event. People who were always too busy to attend other functions made it a priority to bring a casserole dish or plate of cookies, dress up in coordinating outfits (or not), and head to the farm on a November afternoon between Sunday morning and evening services.
We had several amateur and professional photographers in our class, and a few of them graciously agreed to take pictures—FREE. I stationed them around the farm. All I had to do is provide a few props, smoke a bunch of chicken the day before, make sure the house was clean, and voila–the perfect event! Of course, hubby would spend weeks ahead of time planning the mowing and cleanup of 67 acres, the pond, and Bessie, the big tractor. He never grumbled…very loudly.

I wish I had pictures to share from other areas of the farm, but I was busy in my little spot and never got copies of the pictures from other photographers.
Anyway, if you’re looking for some good clean fun this year, and you’re hoping to draw a substantial crowd, host a Potluck-and-Pictures event! Create a signup genius event to make it even easier and to ensure that lunch doesn’t look like a table filled with only dessert. 😉