Last week was super busy for the family as we worked towards my middle son’s graduation. There are not a whole of lot ideas on the Internet for senior tables although senior tables have been around for at least four decades! I remember being fascinated with pastel rainbows made of balloons over frilly, lacy tablecloths with a proud senior standing behind her display of photographs and medals.
I took the time to photograph the senior table I put together for my son, who loves Legos, Chess, Archery, Academics, and… did I mention Legos?

Engineering prints are the way to go; they take up a lot of space!
The balloon arch was not his idea, but Eli helped me blow up ALL the balloons while I wrangled with the plastic balloon holder/string. I’m sure a filming of the process would have made a great comedy.

I found the giant Lego boxes at Eli used an already constructed Lego crab to hold the “Cards” sign with its pinchers.

During the actual event called “Prominent Night,” the Mac had a slideshow going of 150 pictures of Eli’s original Lego creations. He provided the slides.
I didn’t take an up-close picture of the plastic apothecary jar from Michael’s that’s at the far right of the table. It contains all Eli’s ribbons from Bible Quizzing. He never studied, but he always excelled at the game! Below that are many, many medals from Bible Quizzing, Chess tournaments, and Academic achievements.
The book laying open is the scrapbook I made him, using a template. It serves as a guestbook or place for sage advice for the new grad, who is heading to Ole Miss in the fall to start the next chapter in his life.