Here in the South, the saying “April showers bring May flowers” seems to pertain to other places. We’ve had our share of storms the past three weeks, and it’s pouring rain again this morning, but our flowers are already in full bloom!
Last week, I was blessed to take the Garden Club of Jackson’s Spring tour in the heart of the city in Meadowbrook Highlands. My mom and I eyed the overcast sky, read the foreboding weather forecast, and set out to walk the neighborhood in spite of the threat.
There’s nothing like the beauty of God’s creation to warm your soul and put a spring in your step. We took quite a few steps that day! Here are a few pictures of the inspirational tour:

When our tour was done, Mom and I visited Master Gardner and friend Susan H. to purchase a few native plants. Then we headed to Crazy Cat for fried green tomatoes with crawfish and Southern tomato pie. YUM!
After that, Mom spent the day searching for beautiful pots to hold climbing roses for her archway to her shade garden; I picked up a dog princess to babysit for a few days. By Saturday, I was literally itching to get to the garden center and buy a ton of blooms.
We’ve had several incredible Spring days here in Mississippi, and I have spent a good bit of time digging in the soil. Even this morning’s showers can’t dampen my spirit though! I’m grateful the rain is here to water the new plants!
I hope you’re able to get outside soon and enjoy the warming temps and flowers that are appearing everywhere. Happy Spring, y’all!