Fall, like no other time of the year, reminds me of the changing of the seasons of life. Last week, I wrote about the how hubby and I purchased a farm 35 minutes from our home to “attract” grandparents–ours, specifically! Before the farm, we would load up the minivan and drive 7-8 hours to visit both sets of grands in Houston, plus a multitude of other fabulous relatives and some close friends, and leave feeling exhausted. On the 7-8 hour trip home, we’d moan about not having spent enough time with a set of family members or feeling like we had, but hearing that we hadn’t!

Really, the grandparent thing was just a side benefit to buying “Lonestar Heights.” Hubby had been looking for a quantity of land for quite a while. It’s what you do in Mississippi, y’all: When you have the opportunity, you buy land. Nevermind that hunting doesn’t run in this Houston, Texas-born and bred family.

I think we all stop occasionally and realize just how fleeting life is, especially when a loved one passes away. However, in the moment, we often fail to realize how precious are the memories we’re making in the present.

Within a few short years of buying the farm, my mother-in-law passed away, and less than three months later, my father passed away. In truth, buying the farm actually bought us time with some very special people in our lives for whom we are so thankful.

‘Tis the season for thankfulness. I am thankful for the time we had together, and I am thankful for the time we have right now with our family who are yet alive and well! We are so blessed!