Do you ever feel a little overwhelmed by the media?  The news is so dark these days!  I think we all could use a good laugh on occasion, so here’s a Friday funny for you.

I recently put my art on Facebook, prompting old friends to reached out to me.  One reminded me of our shared history and of my “fun car,” an older model Mercedes C class.  I shook my head and smiled as I thought, “Ah, Joni, if only you knew what became of that car….”

One summer, the Junior League of Jackson assigned me to a team of ladies working on a makeover of a dorm at the Mississippi School for the Deaf.  We plotted and planned the sports-themed décor and delegated duties to get started.  We had very little time to complete the project, which included a huge list of to-dos.  We parted ways, scurrying off to our various sources for our supplies.

I was sent to Michaels for three very large jersey display frames and about 10 cans of cherry red spray paint.  When I left the store, my little buggy was overflowing, but it never occurred to me that the trunk of my fun car might not be quite big enough to handle the load of goodies.  

Just three of these took up most of my trunk!

It was so hot that day!  The parking lot had just been resurfaced and the heat and smell emanating from the black tar was nauseating.  I quickly popped the trunk, crammed the oversized frames into it, and then began to toss in the rest of the stuff.

Unfortunately for me, one of the cherry red spray paint cans must have caught the edge of the trunk because the lid flew off and the can bounced violently onto the ground.  SMACK! I reached for it just as it commenced spinning rapidly in a tight circle, spraying EVERYTHING, including me, the upraised car trunk, and the store’s brand-new pavement. 

A sample of the decor

I admit to standing there, mouth open, in absolute shock as the can drenched me in cherry red paint.  When the carnage ended, I looked up and noticed an older gentleman watching me from his car a row over.  He backed out his car and drove over to me.  Then he rolled down the window and handed me a single baby wipe and drove away.

Gasping and sputtering and trying to use the dinky wet wipe to clear the wet paint from my hands, I gently picked up the empty can, put it in the back of the car, got behind the wheel, and reported to the school for duty.  

Our intrepid leader and her collection

You might have guessed already that I’m not your typical Junior Leaguer, but what else was I to do?  I was expected back at a certain time; I had no time to go home and get cleaned up.  Besides that, my clean-up was going to take DAYS!

I can honestly report that I gave my team a well-needed, good laugh!  My project leader took a picture, and that picture stayed on my husband’s computer screen at work for a while for when he needed a laugh.

It was good paint! Soap did not wash off this paint; fingernails could not scratch it off without removing skin!  At midweek service that night, I had to wear a skirt that reached the floor.  

The next day, I visited Lowes and got their famous assistance in the paint department.  The associate who helped me did a great job of keeping a straight face while leading me to the OOPS products.  Even then, I can testify that cherry red spray paint is the most durable nail polish out there!  It stayed with me for about 6 months!