I’ve been composing this blog entry in my mind for a few months but never felt like the timing was right to publish it. Also, I don’t want anyone to think I’m trying to be super-spiritual; I’m just writing about my own personal experiences and trying to let the Lord lead me in what I should write each week. It’s Spring Break week, and we’re all at home. I’ll sprinkle in pretty pictures of previous Spring Breaks for color, if not content!

Here it goes:
With all the hubbub of the holiday season, school events, vacations, and extra-curricular stuff, I sometimes forget the most important part of my life: prayer. I mean, I do spend some time of each day in prayer, but really, really praying is what may get pushed aside in the busy-ness of living.

Last September, I watched the 2020 General Conference for the United Pentecostal Church Int’l (UPCI) online and was profoundly impacted by the prayer delivered by a man associated with World Network of Prayer. I was astounded at the power of his prayer, which he was reading aloud, something we Pentecostals don’t traditionally do. Our typical prayers are off-the-cuff, one-sided conversations with the Lord. But this man’s written-and-read prayer altered my thinking. In fact, I purposed in my heart to change the way I pray. I knew that I’d feel a kickback with such a decision, but that was a chance I was going to have to take.

Have you ever heard that if you’re not facing some difficulties or a struggle that maybe you’re not really praying? I’m used to bringing my petitions to the Lord, but commanding things to happen as my prayer? It’s been a looong time since I’ve done that! I’m telling you that it works!

When a distressing situation arose in my life a few days later, I was not even a little surprised. It took some time and a lot more intense prayer, but the issue was resolved after a while, and I believe, it initiated a much-needed change of course. I’m so thankful God gives us for the opportunity and privilege to take control of problems through intercessory prayer! During that time and since then, He’s been reminding me time and again through preaching and music that “the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds….” (II Corinthian 10:4, KJV)

I encourage you to watch the video and see if it doesn’t challenge your perspective on prayer. (beginning at about the 4-minute mark: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gxMYN8iNyh4) If there are things that need to change in your life or in the life of your family and friends, maybe you could try it!

Thus saith the Lord, the Holy One of Israel, and his Maker, Ask me of things to come concerning my sons, and concerning the work of my hands command ye me. (Isaiah 45:11, KJV)
Fun pictures. Earlier this year I found a great prayer pattern that has really helped me improve my morning prayer discipline (and I needed improvement). The pattern is provided in Luke11:1-13. Pattern is:
1 – The famously memorized Lord’s prayer.
2 – Unselfish requests for friends and family (friends of friends).
3 – Prayer for filling of the Holy Spirit (what the Father wants to give us).