My church has hosted a “Trunk or Treat” event every year since my kiddos were little. I’ve not been so enthusiastic about it, especially the past 8 years or so, but I always succumb to the pressure to participate at the last minute. It is a very big draw for the community, and visitors always express their gratitude for a safe place to allow their kids to collect treats.
In the past, the family has done some fun themes (I showed pics in this 2020 blog post)–Scooby and the Gang, Star Wars, Medieval times, and the Revolutionary War. In recent years, I’ve only had one or two members of the family join me at the trunk of the car. Our decor on those years were rather lackluster.

Last year, I was trunking alone, so I dressed in Bible times garb, put a giant fish tent coming out of the back of the car, complete with a puppet man inside (so sorry that this pictures doesn’t show him), and played Veggie Tales’ Jonah music from a speaker. Kids loved crawling in there to get candy and finding an anxious looking Jonah sitting on top of the pile!

This year, I confess I’m being cheap after spending a small fortune buying an enormous bag of chocolate to donate to the church’s collective stash; I bought the standby happies–fortune cookies–from Amazon. They are yummy and super cheap. Everyone loves them!
Then I had to figure out a way to make a theme from the fortune cookies.
On Pinterest, I found really good instructions for a fortune cookie costume and large to-go box. I collected the necessary supplies from Hobby Lobby this morning for a grand total $5.43 and spent about an hour putting it all together.

I had already purchased a garland of red lanterns from Amazon, which I’ll attach to the open trunk door with clothespins.
I took an old acrylic-pour painting that had some interesting textures and painted over it a scene from San Francisco’s China town. It’s 30×40, so I think it will fill up the trunk space. For something that was headed for trashcan a couple of weeks ago, I think it looks rather nice now!

My “fortune” coming out of the giant cookie will be, “Jesus loves you and has great plans for your life!” Because of His sacrifice, we are fortunate indeed!