Charcuterie boards are having more than a moment. They were already a thang when I had my kitchen island transformed into a massive board for my daughter’s graduation party two years ago.

Our Bible Quiz teams at church are always on the hunt for a new fundraising tactic, and a new mom of the group volunteered to head up a charcuterie board sale for Valentine’s Day. She had created a breakfast “board” for her son’s teacher’s gifts last year and received rave reviews.

This dear lady worked to gather the supplies, and the rest of us donated items so that each box would bring a substantial return. Bible Quizzers worked to get orders for this new thang going on. At $35 each, there were some who weren’t certain a char-qu-ter-e would be worth it as a Valentine for their beloved.

We adults (and one precious little quizzer known for her quick wit, amazing eye-hand coordination, and extreme creativity and maturity) gathered in the fellowship hall at the church the evening before Valentine’s Day and set out buffet tables of crackers, croissants, cheeses, nuts, veggies, dip, fruit, honey (“Bee Mine”), pink soda, brownies, cookies, dipped pretzels, pepperoni roses, and meat-and-cheese skewers. Tons of individual chocolates filled in the gaps so that “no white was showing,” per our leader!

Boxes were assembled, tied with twine, and stacked in the cooler to be distributed after church on Wednesday night. After a little “Galentine’s Party” that our fearless leader also brought for us, we cleaned up and headed home.

I laid in bed for a long while that night, too tired to fall asleep, and mused about the evening. More than raising funds, I believe we raised spirits. There’s nothing like bringing people together in unity to serve. What a blessing it was to me to be a part of such a fun night!