I’ve sought inspiration for this week’s blog post with little success.
It’s challenging to think of anything else: The country of Ukraine is in the spotlight of the world’s stage right now. Images of Russian troops in armored tanks moving into the towns and villages of innocent people and the videos of explosions from bombs falling on buildings and communication towers are filling social media and the news.
This is a war like we’ve never seen before because it’s a war that we are witnessing with little lag time due to the nature of our current Information Age.
It’s sobering. Freedom everywhere is fragile, as is evident by recent hostility to peaceful demonstrations in Ottawa, our country’s northern neighbor.

The pursuit of things, especially material things, seems hardly worth our attention in the face of such events.
What can we do? At midweek Bible study last night, Bishop T.L. Craft directed us to Daniel 9:27. We can read the prophecies in the book of Daniel and the book of Revelation for ourselves, and we can pray.

Let’s pray for the Ukrainian people. Let’s ask God to bring something good out of so much tragedy! Let’s pray that He will cover the defenders, missionaries, aid workers, and family members now separated from their fathers and husbands.
Let’s pray that believers around the world would wake up and stand against evil, that we would remember the lessons we learned in the aftermath of WWII—that when we say nothing and look away, we are aiding evil in its hatred and inhumanity.
What is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him?
(Psalms 8: 1, 3-4, KJV)