Key West in Winter (Part 2)

Key West in Winter (Part 2)

Hubby and I had one more day to play in Key West before his conference started in earnest. We decided to walk from Casa Marina, the conference hotel, to Fort Zachery Taylor.  In January, with an historic…
Key West in Winter (Part 1)

Key West in Winter (Part 1)

A few years ago, hubby’s consulting job drew us to Key Largo in January.  We rented a car one afternoon and drove 2 hours on the 7-mile bridge to Key West.  The most memorable part of that day…
The Birthday Journal

The Birthday Journal

Years ago, I witnessed a "formal" interview between my 4-year-old nephew and his father on that child's birthday. It went a little like this: My brother-in-law: “What’s your favorite color?” My nephew: “Ummmm. Bwue.” BIL: “What’s…
Houston Journey

Houston Journey

As you know, good, close families sometimes spread out geographically as siblings and then the children of siblings find their own career paths, have families of their own, and sound the siren call for grandparents (the…
Family Fun on the Fourth

Family Fun on the Fourth

Happy 4th of July a day late! It seems like family gatherings happen somewhat spontaneously at my house these days.  My mom missed out on some prime time with her grands. We didn’t know a few weeks ago…
Working on Small

Working on Small

There's some remodeling going on at the house, so I'm sort of grounded for a while. It's really not a terrible thing as it takes away any excuse not to work on some paintings. A wise…