A Review of Louisville, Kentucky

A Review of Louisville, Kentucky

Hubby’s second job sometimes requires travel, and I’m sometimes invited to tag along! A few weeks after our fabulous trip to coastal Maine, hubby and I traveled to Louisville, KY, for a conference.  Neither of us…
On Motherhood

On Motherhood

I've not posted in a while because life has been busy and also a little overwhelming. I'm struggling with some changes in my life. My oldest biological child graduates from college this Friday and marries his…
Coming Down the Hill?

Coming Down the Hill?

"Coming Down the Hill"--is that what it's called? We’re celebrating a milestone birthday for hubby today.  The question is, how to do it properly? Ten years ago, I was able to surprise him although he really put…

Another Friday Funny

My husband is always trying to get me to give up my car for a newer model, and lately he’s had me test driving used, yet newer, cars in the hope that I’ll fall in love…
Extra Credit

Extra Credit

We’ve had beautiful weather here in central Mississippi this week.  My daughter was rejoicing last week that classes at her community college had been dismissed so that students could enjoy homecoming festivities at the main campus 40…
Elusive Fall

Elusive Fall

Last week was too pretty to last. Now, I fondly recall that first morning when I opened the back door to let my pound puppy out for her potty break to unexpectedly encounter just a puff…
July 29

July 29

It’s a special day. I’m thinking about my daddy today on his birthday.  It’s been almost eight years since he passed away, and I will always miss him. He was THE BEST Papa! He's sporting a Pooh…
Catching Up

Catching Up

It’s been a few weeks since I posted to the blog.  A LOT has happened since then.  My daughter spent a week in D.C. with 45 other young people from around the nation on an American Youth Corp…
T’s Story

T’s Story

Last week, I saw some old friends and got to tell them the good news of my third (unofficially adopted) child.  She’s engaged to be married! The man she’s marrying is an honest-to-goodness answer to prayer—a lot…
Prominent Night 2022

Prominent Night 2022

I know I missed posting to the blog last week, but here's why: Prominent Night. Each year, our church, First Pentecostal Church of Jackson, hosts a formal affair for the high school seniors. The annual event…